Well, I've gone and added one more thing to the collection, even after I said (for the third of fourth time) that I was done. Anyhoo, I've added America: Stories Of War. It's an older set which comes in a tin 'collector' box which looks like an ammunition case. As of late, all of the movie box sets have really gone up in price. For example all currently copies of the the Mystery 250 Movie pack on eBay (the one that I picked up for something like 30 bucks earlier this year) now have an asking price of 80 to 100 dollars. Total madness. So when I saw several copies of the Stories Of War set still going for 3 bucks (though I was also seeing listings for 10 to 20 dollars), I figured it was now or never. So I found a new copy which was for 3 bucks plus 5 bucks shipping. It had had a Best Offer option so, being the cheap skate I am, I offered them $1.45. The countered with $1.99 and I took that as a win and got it for a total of $7.50 after shipping was added. When it arrived, it came with a couple of extra nicks and bumps in the tin case, but since there are already fake nicks and bumps on the case, they don't really look that bad and just blend right in. And yes, the set was new as described. The 36 discs and the booklet were still shrink-wrapped.
While putting together the checkoff list for the Stories Of War set, I realized that it contained the Victory At Sea documentary series which I already owned. I picked up Victory At Sea at the 2017 Half Price Book Warehouse sale along with a few other movies sets. However, for whatever reason, I didn't include Victory At Sea or the 5-disc NASA - 50 Years Of Space Exploration sets on the stupid movie list. Since the Stories Of War contains Victory At Sea and since I have to mark those episodes such that it notes that I have them already, I decided to (and kinda had to) include the Victory At Sea and the NASA sets as part of the Stupid Movie Collection.
Also of note, there is also a 24 disc version which has the same name but has the the 12 discs of war themed movies removed.
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