It was a bit cloudy this evening which combined with the bright moon made observing a bit difficult. But, I still I got to see a few. It was also a bit cool out. I had my list all printed up... and then I left it at work. I had to 'old school' it and actually write some down frantically on a couple pieces of paper using a sharpie. The satellites are occurring earlier and earlier. Not sure what that's going to do to my viewing options in the winter since I usually don't get a chance to start viewing until 8 / 8:30pm.
Here's the time-line of this evening:
Date: 19-Oct-2010 Tuesday
7:47pm - Cosmos 2219 Rocket - 2.3 Magnitude
Int'l Designator: 1992-076-B
This object is a Zenit-2 rocket body which launched the Russian ELINT satellite Kosmos 2219. This is my second sighting for this one.
7:51pm - Cosmos 2333 Rocket - 2.2 Magnitude
Int'l Designator: 1996-051-B
This object is a Zenit-2 rocket body which launched the Russian ELINT satellite Kosmos 2333. This is my second sighting for this one.
8:10pm - SkyMed 1 - 2.9 Magnitude
Int'l Designator: 2007-023-A
This object is the satellite COSMO-SkyMed 1 which if you recall part of the COSMO-SkyMed program put into space by Italy for 'earth observation' which usually means 'spying on people' but supposedly also has civilian uses as well. It uses synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and has global coverage of Earth.
8:12pm - Cosmos 1626 Rocket - 3.4 Magnitude
Int'l Designator: 1985-009-B
This is a Tsyklon-3 rocket body which launched the Russian ELINT satellite Kosmos 1626. This is my first sighting for this one. I saw the actual Kosmos 1626 for the first time just a few days ago (Oct 15 2010).
8:40pm - Resurs 1-4 Rocket - 2.4 Magnitude
Int'l Designator: 1998-043-G
Sighting #9 for this old faithful.
8:41pm - Cosmos 1455 - 2.1 Magnitude
Int'l Designator: 1983-037-A
First sighting! This object is the Kosmos 1455 satellite, a Tselina-D model Russian ELINT satellite.
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