I just finished reading The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. I saw the movie with Christina Ricci (or as my wife likes to call her, Pumpkinhead). So I guess I was expecting a little bit more or something. It was only 13 parts. I'm a slow reader so I figured I'd better start out with a smaller book. I managed to rip through it in practically two sittings. I was on part 10 before anything I thought of any significance ever happened. I'll give Washington Irving this; the imagery was good. I like that. I could imagine what was going on and what things looked like and maybe even sounded like. But it was more of a tale to tell around a campfire with a really long personal history before it. I'm not saying that's good or bad. It's just my view on it. I enjoyed it, so it's more good than bad. But I'm just saying that it resembles little to the movie. This only proves that I am not very literate in the book reading sense. Other than this, and the Gift of the Magi (which is a mere two parts and is more short story than book), I have not read any of the classics as they are called.
In fact, it wasn't until after I had graduated college that I could say I had ever read more than a handful of books (and by handful, I mean, like no more than 10). Through college I can practically name the books I had read and hence I shall, approximately in the order of which they were read, since I am in a babbling mood:
- The Shining by Stephen King
- The Andromeda Strain by Michael Criton
- Looked it up at home.. .it was called Worlds Of Maybe with 7 stories by Robert Silverberg, Issac Asimov and others.
- The Fall of Colossus by D. F. Jones
- Survival In Auschwitz by Primo Levi
- Growing Up Brady: I Was A Teenage Greg by Barry Williams
- Bootleg: The Other Recording Industry by Clinton Heylin
But anyways, I think that DailyLit is a nice format. It doesn't overwhelm me since I am am a slow reader. I like that. Thank you DailyLit (and Tom).
Gotta toot my own horn.. I introduced the site to Tom :) Glad you the site- give The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes a try- a collection of short stories and an easy read.
I second Amelia's recommendation. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes looks long at 131 segments, but there are 11 short stories, so about every ten installments, you get a feeling of accomplishment. Plus, it's a lot of fun :)
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