Monday, June 18, 2007


I've found that I have a set number of websites that I look at on the Internet now. It used to be, not long ago, that if I was on the Internet I ended up just about anywhere. And could surf for hours and hours without really repeating much. So, I'm sitting here at work during a slight lull and I honestly have no idea what to do. I've looked at all the sites I usually look at everyday, I've looked at all the blogs I normally look at and that leaves me where I'm currently at. Well, ok, I did go to MSNBC and kinda peruse the Entertainment and Science / Tech news, which lead me to but that was a grand total of 20 minutes... max. So now I sit here, updating my blog and trying to figure out what the hell I used to do not so many years ago that would have me on my computer for hours on end.

Maybe I'll go look at Maybe that will direct me somewhere of interest... but I highly doubt it.

Wish me luck.

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